Friday, November 03, 2006

The pledge, the turn,


Just took my A Level chinese today.. and it was alot easier than i thought. I could actually understand all the passages! The last one was abit funny was about how letter-writing is better than the telephone, cos the telephone very noisy, demand you to answer it immediately, needs you to think straight away, etc.
That doesn't mean i'll do very well though. Understanding the passages and answering the questions correctly are two different things =) And it's crazy la, one MCQ question 4 marks leh wth!!

I'm still coughing btw.

Went to watch The Prestige on Tuesday, with John Chloe Pamela Nicole. The first 2 watched already but watch again to pei us SO NICE. Never pangseh.
The show is about 2 magicians who are like fighting each other.. trying to steal each other's limelight and tricks and stuff. Pretty complex and twisting storyline, the typical movie where everyone is asking each other to explain certain parts of the show after the show, and you here 'OOOOOH ' and 'OH YA!!' and 'OHHH THAT'S WHAT HE MEANT' all over the place when you're walking out =)
I like!
I can spoil the story for you with just one sentence. haha. But being the nice guy that i am unlike SOME people, i wont. lalala.

It's a really good show, with good actors (hugh jackman and christian bale[batman] ) and shocking twists to keep your eyes glued to the screen from start to finish.

Ok the following will be enclosed in spoiler tags so that those who have not watched the show can skip pass it. Highlight the space to read.

Wa but quite freaky la, the electricity thing cloned hugh jackman every performance. If you didn't understand it, hugh (i forgot his movie name so i use his real name) is cloned every show and his clone appears behind the audience, while the on-stage him falls into the water tank below and drowns and dies. So he does this every show.. but obviously can't keep on doing that's why it was a 100-show thing if you noticed the sign.
The ending is like :S freaky.
[/End of Spoiler]

Sigh, hope my cough gets better VERY SOON. Cos next wednesday is Oral Presentation for project work.. ahh. need a good throat and can't be coughing every minute.
I've some random pictures of my classmates sleeping and acting stupid but i'm lazy to upload them.. another time alright! Going to watch Lost now =) ciaoz~